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Our Generative Logo

As a generative+ NFT platform, it is only fitting that our logo be designed generatively. Stylistically we agreed to pursue "organic minimalism" throughout the design process. Three constraints were set >>>

1. Must be visually sustainable

2. Must visually depict the “” brand name

3. Must be created using a generative system. 

Ideation as a starting point

At the time, we had been discussing generative point clouds and point grid mapping, so it was natural for this to be one of the starting points that ended up working out. The question, “Can we use a point map to generate organic shapes from a text-based input?” and “Can we design a system that will not only help us create a logo but potentially a generative collection?" 

Visual Sustainability

Visual sustainability can be defined as, the amount of time a visual element can be viewed without strain or boredom. 

4 quadrants of visual sustainability. Ease - Strain, Boredom - Excitement

Creating a Generative System

How do we visually depict the “” brand name generatively? By converting the brand name into a base64 string, we generated a diverse set of alphanumeric characters. These characters, A-Z and 0-9, could be assigned a value related to the size of the points used to generate a point map. 

Base64 output: = bnRlbnQuYXJ0

Assigned character values based on ascending order. 

.    A=0 




A multiplier determined each point’s size and opacity on the point map.

     Letters = 26 / 100 = 3.85 Multiplier 

     Numbers = 10/100 = 10 Multiplier

       Ex. B=2 x3.85 = 7.7 - 100 = 92.3px by 92.3px 

       Ex. 0=0 x10 = 0 = 0px by 0px


We added a modifier for lower case =1 and for upper case =.5

       Ex. b=2 x3.85 = 7.7 - 100 = 92.3*1 = 92.3px by 92.3px 

       Ex. B=2 x3.85 = 7.7 - 100 = 92.3*.5 = 46.15px by 46.15px 

Turning Letters into a Point Map

With each alphanumeric character from the base64 string converted into pixels, the points were plotted to a graph to generate our point map. Time to take a step back to see the result of the process. 

ntent generative logo test

Visually sustainable, yes. Generatively created, yes. Organic shape, not yet.

Deciding the point map wasn’t enough

We attempted to use motion to create the organic feel we were looking for by attributing size fluctuations based on the alphanumeric output in the previous step but eventually went in another direction altogether.

ntent generative logo test animation

Our solution was to create a more random distribution of the point map while generating a line that traced around the outside of all the points on the map and then to hide the visibility of the points. 

ntent generative logo line test

Final Touches

More organic, yes, but we still hadn’t gotten enough of that organic energy we wanted. Our next attempt was to add a Fractal Noise and Displacement map to add a sense of fluidity, rotating until we found the perfect representation. final logo

Final Logo with Animation

To animate the logo we added a 360 rotation to the point map, and voila! animated logo